Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday thoughts without my own computer

Well, it is a warm summer day in Michigan, and I am getting a new comuter at my desk, so I am feeling a little displaced. It will take approx. 4 hours, so I am doing my work at the circulation desk, listening to the LOUD new student orientation groups walk through the library on their tour.
I am not much of a blogger, but I am going to try to remedy that, as so many of my friends and collegues blog regularily. I hope that I have enough things of interest to say!
Today I actually got enough sleep, so I am feeling pretty perky. I do not drink coffee, and I have not bought my daily Pepsi Slurpee, so I am surprised that I feel this good! I have been feeling very tired and run down as of late (I have sciatica, and my leg has been aching alot)- the high heat and humidity of the past month has not helped at all either! OK, enough of the bitching.
So, today I am thinking about summer travel. Where are you going? If I could, I would go to Wyoming to the Grand Tetons this month to see the wildflowers- they are supposed to be spectacular. I have only been there in the fall, so a new season would be fun. But, funds will not allow it this year. This past holiday weekend I went to my Uncle Ernie's farm in Vestaberg, MI and that was alot of fun. I hope to maybe travel to Sleeping Bear National Shore or to Houghton Lake for a few days. It all depends upon $. I have not been to either in years. Sleeping Bear has had cougar sightings, so I really want to camp there and try my luck. Houghton Lake is my love. Any suggestions from my friends for a nice, inexpensive 3-or 4 day trip in Michigan?

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